Monday, February 28, 2011

College For All

My family has supported me by helping me with  having a place to live , pushing me to work hard everyday , and help me with things I don’t know a lot about. Some internships that I have done is the highland hospital . The highland hospital made me want to help people and learn more about the different types of medical jobs there are and take classes on it.I want to go to college because I want to see the types of classes there are and whats it like in college.

 My family has a major influence on me in my life because they all supports each other and push me mostly to be sucessful in life. When I was 10 years old my family pushed me to always work hard and always do my best when it comes to doing a lot work. After a few years my family still supports me in what ever I do everyday in my life life and helps make my choices.

Here some things in why I want to go to college. 1. I want to learn about the types of classes there are. 2. what type of classes i might like to take. 3. see what type of job i can get with this type of class. 4. help support my family in like how they helped my life on what to do with it

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